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25 Apr, 2020 03:02

Trump’s media critics silent on Cristina Cuomo’s ‘BLEACH BATH’ Covid-19 tip, after tearing into president for ‘disinfectants’ line

Trump’s media critics silent on Cristina Cuomo’s ‘BLEACH BATH’ Covid-19 tip, after tearing into president for ‘disinfectants’ line

While media critics were busy mocking US President Donald Trump’s recent musings about Covid-19 treatments, the wife of a top CNN anchor offered her own novel therapy: bathing in bleach – drawing silence from the same detractors.

American media outlets could hardly contain their ridicule for the president following Thursday’s daily White House briefing, sneering after Trump asked about the possibility of internally ‘disinfecting’ coronavirus patients in his typical rambling style. The loosely worded question – posed to an expert present at the briefing – was soon transformed into a directive for Americans to inject themselves with common household cleaners in the minds of some critics.

But similar outrage was nowhere to be found after Cristina Cuomo, the wife of CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, took to her blog this week with a massive 3,000-word article debuting her latest medical tips. Cuomo – who along with her husband and son tested positive for the coronavirus – relayed her doctor’s recommendation to use Clorox brand bleach as “a type of homeopathic bath,” arguing the noxious brew would “combat the radiation and metals in my system.”

“We want to neutralize heavy metals because they slow up the electromagnetic frequency of our cells, which is our energy field, and we need a good flow of energy,” Cuomo quoted her doctor as saying, adding (dubiously) that “Clorox is sodium chloride – which is technically salt.”

While some news agencies did take notice of the bizarre health advice, few took to the rooftops to condemn Cuomo for ordering her readers to flavor their food with the off-white liquid – which is “technically” just salt after all – or another equally tortured reading.

READ MORE: No, Trump did NOT suggest injecting disinfectant to treat Covid-19

As Cuomo’s husband hit CNN’s airwaves to lambaste the president for his ‘disinfection’ remark, the outlet was sure to keep radio silence on her medically-questionable blog post, prompting some netizens to point out the blatant double standard.

“Where’s CNN on this one,”asked another commenter.

Others joked that perhaps the commander in chief was simply taking Cuomo’s suggestion when he wondered aloud about disinfectants, drawing inspiration from the blog post, while one netizen suggested Trump had “the edge” over the anchor’s wife when it comes to dispensing advice “since he only asked whether it could be injected, whereas Cristina Cuomo actually bathed in it.”

Thursday was not the first time President Trump has drummed up controversy by pondering about treatments for the coronavirus. He came under fire last month after touting hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug, as a possible therapy, and was all but blamed when a man in Arizona died after chugging down chloroquine phosphate – an entirely different toxic chemical used to clean aquariums – in hopes of inoculating himself against the virus.

Also on rt.com Devil in the details: Media jumps to blame Trump for death of man who self-medicated with FISH TANK CLEANER containing chloroquine

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