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15 Sep, 2019 22:36

Presumption of innocence? Dems call for Kavanaugh’s impeachment amid new sex assault allegations

Presumption of innocence? Dems call for Kavanaugh’s impeachment amid new sex assault allegations

A number of 2020 Democratic nomination hopefuls didn’t waste time before taking a shot at Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh just as new harassment allegations surfaced. And they hardly see a place for the benefit of the doubt.

The new storm around Kavanaugh, who was accused of past sexual misconduct last year,  started with a New York Times feature on one of the accusers.

Deborah Ramirez, who went  to Yale University with the future Justice, insists that he thrust his penis at her at a drunken party in 1980s.  The paper wrote that it uncovered a similar incident of penis pushing into a female’s hand based on the words of Max Stier, Kavanaugh’s former classmate.

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The evidence in both cases are very thin, from Ramirez herself saying earlier she could not find people to corroborate the story to the other alleged victim saying she did not remember the incident. Times said they found seven people confirming Ramirez’s account.

What might have probably been a case for further investigation, turned into a new barrage of demands to have the conservative Justice off the Supreme Court.

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California Senator  Kamala Harris, who likes to refer to her role as former prosecutor, which should probably involve respect for a due process, called on the  Supreme Court Justice to be “impeached” right now.

Elizabeth Warren and Julian Castro promptly followed suit and joined their voices in a call for an immediate impeachment.

They minced no words as they denounced Kavanaugh’s confirmation process as “sham” and “shame” but apparently had no second thoughts about removing him from office on the basis of mere allegations.

Bernie Sanders also joined the chorus by basically saying that he “supports any appropriate constitutional mechanism to hold him [Kavanaugh] accountable.”

Such ideas did not sit well with the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky), who, in turn, slammed the Democrats for their “willingness to seize on completely uncorroborated and unsubstantiated allegations” while invoking the presumption of innocence.

President Donald Trump, who nominated Kavanaugh in the first place, said the judge should start “suing people for libel.”

Last time, when the Democrats rallied behind another Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, it ended up in a total fiasco as Ford’s testimony was ultimately found to be unverifiable, and Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court. Its unclear if the new round of outrage would lead to another hearing or investigation, but the whole ordeal has given material to at least two books.

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