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11 Sep, 2019 00:16

Better late than never? Bolton’s firing gives Trump a chance to heed his instincts – Ron Paul

Better late than never? Bolton’s firing gives Trump a chance to heed his instincts – Ron Paul

Firing National Security Advisor John Bolton gives US President Donald Trump a chance to move foreign policy in a more peaceful direction – as long as he’s not replaced with another hawk, former congressman Ron Paul told RT.

Bolton has “been a monkey-wrench in Donald Trump’s policies of trying to back away from some of these conflicts around the world,” Paul observed on Tuesday, after news of Bolton’s dismissal from the White House.

Also on rt.com Bolton out: Trump ditches hawkish adviser he kept for 18 months despite ‘disagreements’

Every time I think Trump is making progress, Bolton butts in and ruins it,” Paul added. Negotiations with Afghanistan and talks with North Korea and Iran have reportedly been scuttled by his aggressive tendencies, with Pyongyang declaring him a “defective human product.”

Foreign leaders weren’t the only ones who had a problem with Trump’s notoriously belligerent advisor, either.

A lot of people here didn’t even want his appointment, because he was only able to take a position that did not require Senate approval,” Paul said, suggesting that perhaps the “Deep State” pressure had forced the president to keep Bolton around long past his sell-by date.

While the uber-hawk’s firing came “later than it should be,” Paul hoped it would clear the way for Trump to follow through on the America First, end-the-wars promises that won him so much support in 2016. “Those of us who would like less intervention, we’re very happy with it.”

Also on rt.com War and whiskers: Freshly-resigned John Bolton gets meme-roasting

As for whether Bolton’s departure would change the White House’s policy line significantly, though, Paul was less certain. “I don’t think it will change a whole lot,” he said, pointing out that “we have no idea” who will replace Bolton. Trump said he would make an announcement next week.

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