Get all the details on the Westminster terrorist attack in 2017, claiming five lives and injuring 50. Find out if the UK could do more to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks such as the Westminster attack in 2017. Get the latest reaction on terrorism in the UK, including the Westminster terrorist attack in 2017. Get the latest on terrorism in Europe and the UK right here on RT. Read more on how the UK seat of democracy, Westminster, was targeted in three terror attacks in just 18 months. Get informed about terrorism and terrorist attacks in the UK including those in Manchester, London and more on RT. Do not miss the latest updates on terrorist attacks in Europe with news, official events, meetings of world leaders, and more on RT. Tune in to RT for news on terrorist attacks in Europe, as well as stories on the migrant crisis in the region and Islamophobia. Dig deeper on how the UK government’s plans to give lie-detector tests to terrorists received online backlash. Visit RT for news and stories on the London Bridge attack, Westminster attack and other UK terrorist attacks.