Visit RT to read news on Syria. Don’t miss the latest updates on Syria news, including official events, meetings of world leaders, and more. Find all the news from Syria in different spheres such as politics and the economy. Stay with RT to be updated on the ongoing civil war in Syria, which started in 2011, and to learn more about terrorist group Islamic State’s actions in Syria and the Middle East. Check out RT to learn more about ISIS losing control of much of its territories in the Middle East. Find all the news on US-led coalition airstrikes in Syria. Stay updated on the White Helmets and chemical attacks in Syria. Learn more about relations between Syria and Turkey. Get all news about the conflict in Idlib province. Find news about Russia-Syria connections. Get the news about the Russian military and humanitarian help for Syria. Find more about the Russian air base in Khmeimim. Check out RT for stories on President Bashar Assad. Stay with RT to learn more about the meeting between President Assad and the Russian defense minister. Don’t miss the latest on the coronavirus in Syria. Visit RT for news from Syrian cities like Damascus and Aleppo.