Visit to check all the latest news on Sergey Shoigu, a Russian politician and General of the Army who has served as Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation since 2012. Sergey Shoigu was Minister of Emergency Situations of Russia from 1991 to 2012 - stay with RT to get all the news and details on his background and career. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu held talks with Libyan National Army Commander Haftar in Moscow - follow RT to get the latest details and news on Libya’s civil war. Go to to find all the latest news on Syria, as the US ‘shamelessly & impudently’ pillages Syrian oilfields but forbids supply of hydrocarbons to Damascus, according to the Russian defense chief. Stay with RT for updates and news on Russian politics, as Sergey Shoigu stays at the helm of Defense after the new Russian government is appointed by Vladimir Putin. Follow RT for photos and videos of the Russian Defence Minister, including live feeds from official events. Don’t miss experts’ and analysts’ opinions on Sergey Shoigu, as well as on Russian politics and news in general.