Visit RT to read current New York news, including breaking updates, feature stories, and more. Get the latest New York news on RT. Don’t miss details on New York news from RT’s journalists and correspondents. Find out more on Governor Andrew Cuomo, the statements and actions of his administration, as well as other politicians from the state. Stay updated on the coronavirus news in New York – as of March 23, 2020, almost half of the patients in the US were located in the state. Find out more on the government’s efforts to battle Covid-19 in the state, and on the latest statistics. Read RT for news on accidents and natural disasters in the state of New York, such as hurricanes, floods, blizzards, major fires, and trainwrecks. Don’t miss current stories related to US presidential elections, including voting results. Stay with RT for experts’ and analysts’ opinions on the state of New York, as well as US politics in general.