Visit RT to read news about the migrant crisis in Germany. Don’t miss updates on German migrant crisis news. Find all the latest about Angela Merkel’s government policy towards migrants. Turn to RT to read news about anti-immigration protests in Germany. Check out RT for updates on violence and crimes committed by refugees in Germany. Get all the latest news about German politicians and public criticism of Angela Merkel’s immigration policy. Visit RT to read about the timeline of the migrant crisis in Germany. Don’t miss updates on the casualties among migrants on their way to the EU. Find all the latest news about the accommodation of refugees in Germany. Check out RT to read about the German quota system for asylum seekers. Turn to RT for updates on the conflict among German parties over the immigration problem. Get all the latest news about Angela Merkel, Horst Seehofer and other German politicians’ attempts to tackle the migrant crisis. Read expert and analyst opinions on German migrant crisis news on RT, as well as the political situation in the world in general.