Visit RT to read Kuwait news. Look for the latest updates on Kuwait, including politics, economics and more. Find all Kuwait news in spheres such as military, trade and history. Tune in to RT for the latest news on coronavirus, including lockdown and travel restrictions. Read the stories on the military, including deployment of the US troops in Kuwait and evacuation of German and Canadian troops from Iraq. Stay on RT for the news on Gulf states relations, including ending the shared oil fields dispute and the rift between Saudi Arabia and Qatar. See Kuwait news on economy, including market information and oil trade. Look for the latest on the US-Iran standoff, including security of oil production and naval coalition. Stay on RT for the news on Kuwait interior policy, including the new government creation. Find material on the Middle-East conflicts, including Syria aid resolution project and Saudi-led coalition in Yemen. Check out RT for Kuwait news on trade relations with countries such as Russia and India. See the information about Kuwait history, including the 1991 Gulf War.