Visit RT to read news about Argentina. Don’t miss the latest updates on Argentina news. Find all the news from Argentina in different spheres such as politics, the economy, tech, and science. Don’t miss the latest updates on the coronavirus in Latin America. Check out RT for stories on quarantine measures in Argentina. Visit RT to read news about prison riots in Argentina. Get the current news on the government in Argentina. Check out RT for stories on Latin American politicians like Alberto Fernandez and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Visit RT for news about Argentina’s relations with other Latin American countries, like Brazil, Chile, and Bolivia, as well as the US and Europe. Find all the news on natural disasters in Argentina like floods, earthquakes, and fires. Check out RT for stories on crime in Argentina. Find all the updates from Argentina in sports and culture. Visit RT to learn more about current and former Argentinian football players, including Lionel Messi and Diego Maradona. Read articles on the athletes infected with Covid-19, Paulo Dybala and Ezequiel Garay. Stay with RT to be updated on Argentina news that has gone viral in the media in recent months.