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11 Oct, 2024 06:39

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

Former Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) officer Vasily Prozorov is investigating the ‘Russian Volunteer Corps’ (RVC)*. In March 2024, RVC fighters carried out a raid into Russian territory, attacking homes, churches, and civilians. The apparent objective of the operation was to disrupt the Russian presidential election. Locals reported seeing foreign mercenaries rather than Russian volunteers among the soldiers. Later it turned out that captured RVC members were found to be Ukrainian soldiers equipped with RVC patches and NATO weapons. The documentary explores who really led the operation, the RVC’s true objectives, and the involvement of Western intelligence agencies.

*The Russian Volunteer Corps is recognised as a terrorist organisation and banned in Russia.

Watch “Edge of Peace” on RTD website and on RT’s live feed. The time of the broadcast is available on RT’s schedule page.
