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29 Sep, 2020 12:23

Devouring their own: Left turns on poster boy of gun control for daring to denounce political violence

Devouring their own: Left turns on poster boy of gun control for daring to denounce political violence

Revered anti-weapons protester David Hogg got a taste of woke Twitter in the worst way, after setting out his belief that violent revolution would only lead to a violent government. Now he’s been forced to repent.

Of all the political activists in the United States, I can’t think of many that are as divisive as David Hogg. One of the group known as the Parkland kids (the students who survived the 2018 mass shooting at a Florida high school that left 17 dead), David is known for his anti-NRA and anti-gun diatribes. He seemed to become one of the political left’s darlings. He is the poster child for gun control in the eyes of many. That in and of itself makes him one of the most divisive figures in politics of the last five years.

Given what he went through and how much he’s beloved by the political left and those who describe themselves as woke, you wouldn’t expect the young man to be called out for an anti-violence stance. I mean, the entire platform that he stands on is based on this and he went to a school where there was a mass shooting. Despite my substantial disagreements with him, an opinion that comes across like a pacifist doesn’t exactly surprise me. I don’t believe it should surprise anyone. But when he decried political violence, the “Church of Woke” decided that was a sin, and he had to be punished until his mind was changed and he showed contrition.

Now, David Hogg’s ranting about imperialism, capitalism, or anything along those lines is just about akin to a first-year med student attempting to separate conjoined twins with a hacksaw. This young man has no clue what he’s talking about when it comes to philosophy. However, broken clocks are right twice a day. When it comes to the statement that violence will never create a peaceful system of government, he’s absolutely correct.

Here’s what he wrote: “The use of violence to acquire political power is deeply rooted in imperialism, capitalism and white supremacy. I personally refuse to believe that the use of this same violence will ever create nonviolent systems of government that represent and support everyone.”

In any other time, his statement would not be controversial, and might be approved of by his leftist friends. But when groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa are rioting and burning and looting in the hope of fomenting a Marxist revolution in this country, he is off-message.

Also on rt.com This lawsuit that’s seeking to shut down the NRA isn’t about guns. It’s naked electoral interference, pure & simple

In fact, polls are suggesting that ever since the rioting happened after the death of George Floyd, groups like BLM are becoming less and less popular. Then you have President Donald Trump stating that Antifa will be designated as a domestic terrorist group, which is obviously a popular move because of all the cities that have been on fire because of them. The reaction from people to this violence is negative. That element of what Hogg said is simply reality, and though I don’t think he’s the brightest star in the planetarium, there is no way that what he said can be deemed racist.

Within hours of receiving a backlash, however, Hogg caved: “I appreciate those that have called me out and let me know how this tweet was offensive and I am welcome to continuing to learn. Many are understandably upset and offended and I have to do my part in admitting to mistakes when I make them and supporting my friends.”

This is yet another great example of how the modern political left is encapsulated and what I like to call “Woke Twitter.” In previous articles, I’ve detailed that these folks act like a cult. They exist only to destroy, and there are no sacred cows unless your name is Karl Marx (and perhaps he’s lucky he’s dead). As such, the minute that an “ally” steps out of line, they may as well prepare for 40 lashes from a cat of nine tails and a visit to Golgotha, proverbially speaking. 

Do I think that David Hogg is a young goofball who doesn’t know his hind end from his elbow? Absolutely. Is a lot of what he said on Twitter stupid? Most definitely. Is he a racist for what he said? No. But maybe this young man will start to realize that the people that he panders to are just as willing to sharpen the knives to use against him as they are anyone else. Which just proves his original statement was absolutely right.

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